The seven deadly sins with a shambling twist...
It has been one hundred days since the zombies claimed the world. Cash, along with forty-two survivors, have found safety in the secluded and well-guarded Fox National Park. The leaves are changing colors, a beautiful, brutal reminder that winter is coming. As the survivors prepare for freezing months without electricity and not enough food, they learn of massive zombie herds several hundred miles north…and headed their way.
To save the park, Cash must find a place for the survivors to hide from the migrating herds. If Cash and her small band of volunteers don’t succeed by winter, the Fox survivors just may become Deadland’s Harvest.

Rachel Aukes
Find Rachel Aukes
My Thoughts:
About a week ago I wrote up a huge review of 100 Days in Deadland (book one in this
series) and said that I had no idea how Aukes could top that novel. I had no
idea how she could hope to capture my attention a second time as she had the
first. Well… I definitely shouldn’t have said that, because I definitely opened
mouth and inserted foot. Rachel, you did it again. Deadland’s Harvest knocked it out of the part. Rachel came in guns blazing
with novel number two and literally, kicked it’s ass.
Many novels have such a clear distinction between their various
parts in the series. Harvest picks up
right where 100 Days in Deadland let
off and keep on going. I don’t even think I got through the very first chapter
before my heart was racing and I was anxious as can be to keep doing. Aukes
style of writing keeps you on your toes the entire
time. You never know what the next page may hold. With Zeds (zombies)
coming left and right and a migrating horde headed straight for the Camp Fox
survivors, it’s up to Cash, Clutch, Jase, and the gang to relocate Camp Fox to
safety. “Safety”. It wouldn’t be a zombie novel if it didn’t come with gruesome
deaths and heartbreaking emotion. Thankfully Aukes has us covered on both
Aukes did such a fantastic job with setting the
tone and introducing the characters in 100
Days in Deadland that she really didn’t have to spend any time backtracking
on this story. With some series you can pick up any book and not read them in
order and somehow not miss anything, this is not one of those series. If you haven’t read 100 Days in Deadland then don’t even think about reading this one.
Seriously, 100 Days in Deadland was
one of the best books I have read all year, you should be throat chopped if you
think about skipping it to read this one. Seriously.
Anyway, like I said, if you want to know about the
characters and back story, click below this review to read my review of 100 Days in Deadland, because I really
don’t see a point in rehashing all that here.
As I am writing this review, I am going back through my
highlights and quotes from the novel and want to seriously stop writing just so
I can read it again. It was that
great. Aukes is such an amazing author that really leaves me completely
satisfied and emotional exhausted. GAH. I told you guys in my last review that
there was an emotional part that made me tear up a bit, but (and I’ve already
told Rachel this) DAMN YOU RACHEL AUKES, she had me nearly bawling at a few of
the scenes in this novel. It was rough. It really is a sad, horrible world that
these characters are living in and they seriously cannot catch a break. You
learn so much about the human experience from Aukes and her true-to-life
interpretations through this series. I will admit that I haven’t read any of
her other works, but I will be
checking them out after these amazing novels.
Where 100 Days in
Deadland was a retelling of Dante’s
Inferno, Deadland’s Harvest was
labeled as “a journey through the seven deadly sins with a shambling twist”. It
was a shambling twist alright. Aukes takes each sin and seriously parallels the
storyline in such an amazing fashion that you wonder if she has some sort of
psychological connection with Dante Alighieri himself! I will admit that each “sin”
chapter confused me a bit, it was not until the very end that I was able to
fully identify the “gluttony”, or “pride”, etc in the particular section. It
takes a bit of an investigative reader to identify the sins, but the journey is
worth the interpretation. Honestly, everything about this second trip into the Deadland Saga was fulfilling as the
first. I can’t think of a single criticism that I have. This story was
different than book one, but not in a negative way in any way, shape, or form.
Also, note to Rachel Aukes, I have spent the past four years
working at Bass Pro, a store EXTREMELY similar the one described in one
important scene of the novel and let me tell you, I’ll never look at it the
same again! This novel really, really will change your views on some things. I
am not sure if that was the intention of Aukes, but it really was great to see
her visions for the fall of society. Unlike other zombie novels I have read
that take place after the zombie apocalypse,
this series tells of the apocalypse
in its’ entirety. Book one starts out with the first day of the “apocalypse”
(for Cash) and continues on their entire journey. It’s remarkable, it truly is.
I seriously feel like I could go on about this novel all day
long, but I’ll stop and let everyone get back to their real world. All in all,
I am giving Deadland’s Harvest the
same review I gave to its’ predecessor, a
5+ star review. Seriously, there is nothing more I would have asked for. This novel was damn near perfect. I
said in my 100 Days in Deadland
review that “few books have had the profound effect and left the lasting book
hangover” as that one, well, I can say the very same about Harvest. It’s been 4 days since I finished and it’s still all I can think about! Aukes says
she plans on releasing the final installment in the Deadland Saga series out towards the end of the year, but I’ll be
honest, I don’t know how I’ll make it through! To quote Aukes, I’ve been to
prep myself because “shit goes down” in book three. That scares the hell out of
me. I am so anxious to see how this story ends. I have been skimming through
the final story in Dante’s journey through hell to see how Aukes may finish out
her amazing saga! AHH!!! Excitement! As soon as I hear more info/cover
reveals/blurbs/etc for book 3, you will find it all right here! Why are you
still reading this? GET TO READING!
100 Days in Deadland Review
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